African child, especially Nigerian and Kaduna in particular is faced with extreme challenges in almost all aspect of human and social development. It has been established that northern Nigeria has the lowest rung of human development indices. Illiteracy, drug abuse, ethno religious crises, extreme poverty and insecurity at all levels are waging war on social economic development of our community. At the tip of the ice berg is poverty and illiteracy against which little has been done and which is depriving millions of youths the opportunity to evolve as responsible future leaders and builders of their society.
At Teworh Foundation, we discovered that all our agent of socialization have failed in planning for the future of the children in the area of child protection law, learn play activities and lack of inculcating play as an integral part of learning, as such children live like adult which deny them the opportunity to play as work.. as echoed by Maria Montessori –that, ”the work of a child is play”, the result of this is energies are bottled and which will result to a lot of social ills like drug abuse, bully , lack of social skills and breakdown in communication between parent , teachers and their children.
Needless to say that there is need for an urgent move required by NGO’s, government, schools, parents ,religious leaders and community leaders as well as care givers to stem the frightening tide of misfortune and the root cause of all our challenges to safeguard our future, the future which are the children, through an all-round children centred program that geared towards learn and play method.
At Teworh Foundation, we strongly believe that the solution to most of our social problems like drug abuse, banditry, prostitution, internet fraud, depression and all other mental health issues can easily be solved through our approach of children centre programs.
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