At Teworh Foundation we use love and empathy through sports, games and play method as a tools to sensitize children and young people on the danger of drug abuse, our tools of communication include group work, practical life and visual communication materials as well as guidance and counselling. As such we earn the trust of our children those engage in drug abuse and those that are not involved.
ATeworh Foundation strongly believe in play as a work for a child, as a integral part of learning, a strategic tools to build team work and all other various social skill to live in the practical life. As such we place great emphasis on engaging children and youth in sporting activities.
A child that is engage in sporting activities will sick less, such child will be discipline, confidence and will be a team player and of course very intelligent. Sporting activities is also a career, that is why we discover talent, nurture the talent up to professionalism. Some of the sports We engage our children and youth in include Football (Soccer), Athletic, Cycling, Badminton, Table Tennis, Hiking, Friebies and martial art for self defense .against violence, bully.considering the evil angry society we are in this contemporary world of ours. We also engage our youth in skill acquisition program to equipped them, to have an entrepreneurship mind, this we do through our skill centre partners.
Most of our parents,teachers,religion leaders are not aware,informed and knowledgeable of child protection law in kaduna state and its same with the children .On realising the importance of this vital aspect of our social development we took it upon our self to educate parent and other agent of socilialization .
we organize seminar,parent teachers associations in schools discussion and community town hall meeting and visit schools as well using social and main stream medial and communicating materials to educate and inform the stake holders on the importance of child protection law ,the expected duties and responsibility of the parent on a child and that of a child to the societies respectively.We also mentor and visit schools creating a leadership club where all the afored said are practice.
An hungry man is an angry man they said ,we realised that without support in the area of feeding ,it will be difficult to achieve practical anything .perhaps ,it becomes eminent to give support in the area of food supplies and non food supplies to the vulnerable ,widows, street children { al-majiri } and orphans .we feed together every weekend and every end of the months to build bond and remove complex.
We are very conscious of our environment and we keen on raising environmental responsible citizen . We do our community work for two major reasons to clean our environment and to teach the children on the power of giving back as well as selflessness. Our community work comes up every last Saturday of the months and every first ten {10mins} of our training session which is weekly. We expand their knowledge on the importance of re-use, reduce waste and recycle.
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